Pray for Scott and Tammy

A dear sweet couple from my husband's work just called to let us know of the birth of their second child. It was scary news since the baby wasn't due until late November. So that makes this little one only about 26 weeks. For those who might not know, a full term baby is 40 weeks old. Their little one is being transferred to the hospital near our house that has the comprehensive neonatal unit.

Their older son just turned one about 4 weeks ago, so you can imagine what this little family is facing.

Please pray for their newborn preemie and Tammy's health to recover from the birth, I am sure it was a c-section.

Also: you can pray for Amy Wilhoite, Dr. Kimball Hodge and an unnamed friend back in the midwest.

Thank you.

* Update at 1pm...the baby is doing well all things considered. He is 12 inches and 26 weeks along. He is breathing on a ventilator and things are minute to minute and will be for some time. Tammy gave birth the old fashioned way and has already been released since obviously things are extenuating. Please continue to pray!


Amy K. said…
For the uninformed in the midwest, what's up with Pastor Hodge?

I'll be praying...I've been keeping up with Amy's blog.

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