Forgetting to Blog
Yikes! It's been over a month! So sorry to my one reader! And my children who will someday read this and then laugh at me. It's been a crazy month around here. My girl finishes her first year of preschool tomorrow. Then we are doing "Manners School" for a while. It seems the children I know (ahem, I mean that I parent) have reverted back to animals lately. So we are going back to the basics of manners and expectations. I'll let you know how it goes...
We're working on the yard a lot this spring. It's more the final 10% that needs to be done like the last of the bark, weeding here and there. Not many capital changes, save the last piece of fence to go in on the side yard. When that goes in and I get a locking door on the shed my life will be SO MUCH EASIER. I won't sweat it when my kids are in the yard and my back is turned. Like today when I turned away to pull a weed and my little guy took a swing seat to the cheekbone. He's fine over all, but it turned into a major event. My girl has a way of making everything about her and needs some work on self control in times like that. At this point it annoys me and I had a hard time drumming up the calm and cheerful demeanor to help her through her grief that her disobedience caused such injury to her brother. Sheesh. Hope he forgets this or else they are going to be in therapy for a loooooonnng time.
Oh, I have been reading another blog called Afterthoughts. The author Brandy reads a lot of Wendell Berry and she writes about how the earth wants to be covered. Our desire to keep it barren is against it's nature. So they are experimenting with groundcover gardening. It's where there is always something planted in the beds, and when you want a vegetable to grow there you simply cut out a small part of the ground cover and put in the plant. The cover acts as a weed barrier, a natural water retention program and a pest control with nitrogen in the soil from the roots. Very smart if you ask me...
That's all I have for now. Enjoy this photo of my little man. He's such a star (if I can ever get this to load up...).
We're working on the yard a lot this spring. It's more the final 10% that needs to be done like the last of the bark, weeding here and there. Not many capital changes, save the last piece of fence to go in on the side yard. When that goes in and I get a locking door on the shed my life will be SO MUCH EASIER. I won't sweat it when my kids are in the yard and my back is turned. Like today when I turned away to pull a weed and my little guy took a swing seat to the cheekbone. He's fine over all, but it turned into a major event. My girl has a way of making everything about her and needs some work on self control in times like that. At this point it annoys me and I had a hard time drumming up the calm and cheerful demeanor to help her through her grief that her disobedience caused such injury to her brother. Sheesh. Hope he forgets this or else they are going to be in therapy for a loooooonnng time.
Oh, I have been reading another blog called Afterthoughts. The author Brandy reads a lot of Wendell Berry and she writes about how the earth wants to be covered. Our desire to keep it barren is against it's nature. So they are experimenting with groundcover gardening. It's where there is always something planted in the beds, and when you want a vegetable to grow there you simply cut out a small part of the ground cover and put in the plant. The cover acts as a weed barrier, a natural water retention program and a pest control with nitrogen in the soil from the roots. Very smart if you ask me...
That's all I have for now. Enjoy this photo of my little man. He's such a star (if I can ever get this to load up...).