Citation and Retaliation

"I don't respond well to letters".

Now what does that make you think of-off the top of your head?

My initial response was, "Hmmmmm...modern communication must be problematic for you".

This was the response of our neighbor after he received a noise citation this weekend. If you've been following along this story in past blogs then you will remember that we asked the really noisy neighbors to turn down the music and also sent them a letter detailing the ongoing noise problem about a month ago. Finally last weekend we were forced to call the police and sign off on the citation for the noise violation. Did I mention how many times the neighbor's music woke up my daughter's nap? I stopped counting at 4...

Well, the neighbor was mad and came over to confront my husband. The angrier he got the cooler my DH became. The neighbor told my DH that we only came over to tell them once about the music problem and that "He doesn't respond well to letters".

Exactly how many times does he expect me to inform him he is violating the law? As far as I know I am under no compulsion to tell him even once. Anyhoo...I get the distinct impression that he would like us to take more responsibility for his actions and babysit him altogether.

Oh, I am so done with men like that sisters. SO DONE. The last man I worked under was the same way and I stopped following his asinine requests some time before I left the company. I simply refuse to do for men what they are required by law and nature to do for themselves.

So our lovely neighbor came over yesterday and rang our doorbell 7 times in a row. He then asked if his music was too loud. He said he didn't want to wake up my kids.

Right. That MUST be why you rang my doorbell make sure my kids could sleep through their nap. He is so retaliatory. I just ran to Walmart (tonight) and when I came home I came down the street by his house as he was out in the street. As I drove by (trying to avoid him every way) he yelled at me to slow down. Huh? I was going 21 mph. You're the one out in the street amidst the cars. You go throw the football in your yard you ding-dong.

So I got home and we waited for the police to be called out to our house. I would not put it past him.

I am so done with bullies. SO done. They can yell and bluster and ring my (now disabled) doorbell all they want.

I will not be dissuaded.


AMY said…
Oooh, Miss Julie- this is the kind of stuff you see in movies or on court tv. I might have just woke up Emma by busting out laughing at what I just read. How asinine a situation. Yikes! Are you sleeping any better?
LiteraryGirl said…
Not on the subject...
Gayle gave me a pic today of you and I circa 1995. Oh yes, bad hair (yours was high and mine was the worst blonde-orange color I've ever seen) and baaad eyebrows...I apparently hadn't seen a set of tweasers in my life! Hilarious.
Amy K. said…
You go girl! Move to Illinois! Okay, don't...but I miss you!

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