Becoming Polarized

I think that title is passive tense. That is one of my pet peeves. I really think using passive tense shows a lack of understanding of English and a basic laziness. Isn't that pathetic? I catch myself using passive tense all the time. It just makes me cringe. Yet this isn't what my entry is about. It's about my transformation from a middle of the road, don't-make-waves about your beliefs kind of girl to a woman who is polarized. I am now the woman I never thought I could be, the woman who stands her ground in the face of the opposing party, even though her views alienate the other side. I am now that woman...and I am not sorry.
I can see that as we grow into adulthood we face the harsh realities of our culture in ways we previously left to the "adults" in our society. I am now in my thirties, and I am now the adult who has to set the bar, the one who has to make the decision or draw the line in the sand. As I grow I see the rapid decline of our governing laws that give way to the lopsided power we endowed to a group of 12. I see long held practical ideals crushed under my culture's desire to act without restraint. If an individual doesn't like a law they can simply sue the government and voila, the law is struck down for all. Why can't that individual just suck it up and allow the rest of society operate under the law they don't like? Frankly, I think it's because we are intoxicated with the idea of unrestrained actions. We hate oppression of any sort, it's the core of who we are as humanity. Our other great lust is the pre-eminence of the individual. We have elevated the importance of the individual over the good of the whole to a level of absurdity.
The point and case I can readily come up with is Oregon state ballot measure No. 43 described as:REQUIRES 48-HOUR NOTICE TO UN EMANCIPATED MINOR'S PARENT BEFORE PROVIDING ABORTION; AUTHORIZES LAWSUITS, PHYSICIAN DISCIPLINE. This measure proposed that doctors must notify parents of a minor's planned abortion 48 hours prior to the surgery. The consequences of failing to follow the low can result in lawsuit or discipline for the doctor.
As of this morning the count for this measure is Yes 45.30% and No 54.70%. I am disheartened by this turnout and I blame it on our cultural love for unrestrained activity and our gluttonous love of our individual rights. Why on earth is it necessary to allow every minor the right to have a serious medical surgery/procedure without their parent's notification? Most people I heard talk about this in favor of keeping it down said that some girls live in families where they would have been beat up is their parents knew they had an abortion. How many girls would fall into this category? In the whole state of Oregon? Seriously? Maybe 100 per year? Of the entire population of the state, we can't find a way to get those girls out of their abusive homes and into state custody BEFORE they get an abortion? Or, how about this idea? How about we encourage young women to postpone pregnancy until they are ready to become parents? If young girls engage in activities that result in pregnancy, can't they also be on the pill? They could use condoms...or a whole host of products that will avoid conception altogether. On a simple level of money management, it is much cheaper to provide birth control pills for 5 years then it is to pay for the pre-natal care and costs associated of an abortion.
If a young woman is going to be beat up by a family member for an abortion we should point out that running the risk of pregnancy is a very bad idea for her. We should also get her out of that family. Yet, thanks to the rest of the state, now when an 13 year old gets pregnant she can have an abortion with her mom or dad knowing. So, when she makes a choice the results in pregnancy and she gets scared she'll be grounded, or even worse, have to face the natural consequences of her actions, she can get the abortion after school instead. How many 13 year-olds do you know who are equipped to make such heady medical decisions? Why is it her parent can't be notified to make sure she gets the very best medical care in any situation? Who acts on behalf of the 13 year-old when she does this in secret? The planned parenthood counselor? I am sure those counselors are nice people, but I can't imagine their best care and support is better then mine for my child.
Frankly, voting this measure down was a huge mistake. Children need their parents to act as their advocates until they are an adult. Most every other procedure needs parental permission, why is this different? If kids who drive drunk and cause accidents need parents to sign medical permission at the hospital, how is permitting secret abortions a different issue? It's medical care no matter how you look at it.
I am polarized. Parents must be parents without the state truncating their ability to act as parents. This just refreshes my desire to work with young women to encourage them make long term minded decisions based on a high self esteem.
PS I had terrible sleep problems with my baby. At 9 mths, we did controlled crying and things were great after a week. It was hard on us(and him too) but we are all much better rested. Have you tried anything? Now at 18 mths he's working on molars and up once a night. Oh well!