Kitty update

So the nice kitties found NEW places to poop. So I e-mailed the county Animal Control and they said there are no laws pertaining to cats.
Yet they said we could trap the cats and bring them in to the animal control shelter. From there the owner has to go get them and it makes quite an impression on the cat owner to take action.
I so don't want to do that. It just seems like we'd be picking a fight...but we DO have the right to own property that doesn't feature cat poop. But we can't think of anything else that is fair and effective. We've tried almost everything else and it hasn't worked. People just say things like "Well, you just can't control a cat you know". Would you say that about a dog who poops in your yard? Of course not, we assume that an owner will do what is necessary to keep it in their own yard.
WHAT is the deal with cat owners?