A snapshot of this moment
Ok, everyone- I stole this from Literarygirl
(there, I cited my source)
10 Favorites
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Color: Black, no red
Favorite Time: 1 pm when Cosby show is on
Favorite Food: Butter
Favorite Drink: Iced coffee-almost any form
Favorite Ice Cream: Breyers chocolate chip mint
Favorite Place: Westminster Pres Sanctuary- or Full City
Favorite Sport: Gardening
Favorite Actor: Today it's Edward Norton
Favorite Actress: Hmmm, I have no idea
9 Currents
Current Feeling: Thirsty and bleary-eyed
Current Drink: My DH's water bottle *that was mine earlier in the day
Current Time: 9:39 pm
Current Mobile used: ??? I don't have one now
Current Windows Open: blogger.com
Current Underwear: I so don't remember- but I am sure I got 'em on
Current Thought: Why doesn't the mouse have any room on the side of my desk? Man my hands are dry...The left side of my b*&& is asleep...you get the idea
8 Firsts
First Nickname: Turkey head
First Kiss: 13-at the roller rink baby. How is that for romance?
First Crush: Johnny Depp and then I think I liked my neighbor Kurt Dienel
First Best Friend:Shauna Crooker and Jenny Wright
First Vehicle I Drove: That sad mazda hatchback
First Job: Picking raspberries and selling them to the Jacksonville Inn through the back door.
First Date: Will you think any less of me if I can't remember? I think it was to the beach with this guy I met on a cruise when I was like 12. Why on earth did my Mom let me go out with him?
First Pet: Barney- our golden retriever
7 Lasts
Last Drink: Water
Last Kiss: DH
Last Meal: Chicken Salad with bread and now I can't remember...
Last Web Site Visited: Literarygirl.com
Last Movie Watched: Watch a movie?DO those cheese Hallmark channel ones count?
Last Phone Call: Is this a trick question?
Last TV show Watched: This is so sad to admit to...Bernie Mac while Sarah was asleep and I was waiting for DH.
6 Have You Evers
Have You Ever Broken the Law: Yeah...yeah
Have You Ever Been Drunk: Just once and believe it or not, it was a total accident. I was eating REALLY salty food and the waitress would NOT bring us water so I was mindlessly drinking Go-go juice and boy howdy after two of those little blue things I was done for.
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: Yeah. Not a great thing.
Have You Ever Been in the Middle/Close to Gunfire: I fired a gun once in Idaho.
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: YES. It's really great.
Have You Ever Broken Anyone's Heart: Yeah. If I wind up in hell (for some reason) that will be why.
5 Things
Things You Can Hear Right Now: The CPU fans
Things On Your Bed: baby toys
Things You Ate Today: waffles, chicken sandwich, chocolate ice cream, applesauce, coffee
Things You Can't Live Without: Plant nurseries, coffee, dairy products, Lact-aid, Music
Things You Do When You Are Bored: sleep, go to Target
4 Places You Have Been Today: Church, front yard, Kitchen
3 Things On Your Desk Right Now: Paperwork, Zippy the Pinhead Lamp and speakers
2 Choices Black or White: Black
Hot or Cold: Cold. I hate the heat.
1 Place You Want To Visit The Oprah show
(there, I cited my source)
10 Favorites
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Color: Black, no red
Favorite Time: 1 pm when Cosby show is on
Favorite Food: Butter
Favorite Drink: Iced coffee-almost any form
Favorite Ice Cream: Breyers chocolate chip mint
Favorite Place: Westminster Pres Sanctuary- or Full City
Favorite Sport: Gardening
Favorite Actor: Today it's Edward Norton
Favorite Actress: Hmmm, I have no idea
9 Currents
Current Feeling: Thirsty and bleary-eyed
Current Drink: My DH's water bottle *that was mine earlier in the day
Current Time: 9:39 pm
Current Mobile used: ??? I don't have one now
Current Windows Open: blogger.com
Current Underwear: I so don't remember- but I am sure I got 'em on
Current Thought: Why doesn't the mouse have any room on the side of my desk? Man my hands are dry...The left side of my b*&& is asleep...you get the idea
8 Firsts
First Nickname: Turkey head
First Kiss: 13-at the roller rink baby. How is that for romance?
First Crush: Johnny Depp and then I think I liked my neighbor Kurt Dienel
First Best Friend:Shauna Crooker and Jenny Wright
First Vehicle I Drove: That sad mazda hatchback
First Job: Picking raspberries and selling them to the Jacksonville Inn through the back door.
First Date: Will you think any less of me if I can't remember? I think it was to the beach with this guy I met on a cruise when I was like 12. Why on earth did my Mom let me go out with him?
First Pet: Barney- our golden retriever
7 Lasts
Last Drink: Water
Last Kiss: DH
Last Meal: Chicken Salad with bread and now I can't remember...
Last Web Site Visited: Literarygirl.com
Last Movie Watched: Watch a movie?DO those cheese Hallmark channel ones count?
Last Phone Call: Is this a trick question?
Last TV show Watched: This is so sad to admit to...Bernie Mac while Sarah was asleep and I was waiting for DH.
6 Have You Evers
Have You Ever Broken the Law: Yeah...yeah
Have You Ever Been Drunk: Just once and believe it or not, it was a total accident. I was eating REALLY salty food and the waitress would NOT bring us water so I was mindlessly drinking Go-go juice and boy howdy after two of those little blue things I was done for.
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: Yeah. Not a great thing.
Have You Ever Been in the Middle/Close to Gunfire: I fired a gun once in Idaho.
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: YES. It's really great.
Have You Ever Broken Anyone's Heart: Yeah. If I wind up in hell (for some reason) that will be why.
5 Things
Things You Can Hear Right Now: The CPU fans
Things On Your Bed: baby toys
Things You Ate Today: waffles, chicken sandwich, chocolate ice cream, applesauce, coffee
Things You Can't Live Without: Plant nurseries, coffee, dairy products, Lact-aid, Music
Things You Do When You Are Bored: sleep, go to Target
4 Places You Have Been Today: Church, front yard, Kitchen
3 Things On Your Desk Right Now: Paperwork, Zippy the Pinhead Lamp and speakers
2 Choices Black or White: Black
Hot or Cold: Cold. I hate the heat.
1 Place You Want To Visit The Oprah show