A snapshot of this moment

Ok, everyone- I stole this from Literarygirl
(there, I cited my source)
10 Favorites
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Color: Black, no red
Favorite Time: 1 pm when Cosby show is on
Favorite Food: Butter
Favorite Drink: Iced coffee-almost any form
Favorite Ice Cream: Breyers chocolate chip mint
Favorite Place: Westminster Pres Sanctuary- or Full City
Favorite Sport: Gardening
Favorite Actor: Today it's Edward Norton
Favorite Actress: Hmmm, I have no idea

9 Currents
Current Feeling: Thirsty and bleary-eyed
Current Drink: My DH's water bottle *that was mine earlier in the day
Current Time: 9:39 pm
Current Mobile used: ??? I don't have one now
Current Windows Open: blogger.com
Current Underwear: I so don't remember- but I am sure I got 'em on
Current Thought: Why doesn't the mouse have any room on the side of my desk? Man my hands are dry...The left side of my b*&& is asleep...you get the idea

8 Firsts
First Nickname: Turkey head
First Kiss: 13-at the roller rink baby. How is that for romance?
First Crush: Johnny Depp and then I think I liked my neighbor Kurt Dienel
First Best Friend:Shauna Crooker and Jenny Wright
First Vehicle I Drove: That sad mazda hatchback
First Job: Picking raspberries and selling them to the Jacksonville Inn through the back door.
First Date: Will you think any less of me if I can't remember? I think it was to the beach with this guy I met on a cruise when I was like 12. Why on earth did my Mom let me go out with him?
First Pet: Barney- our golden retriever
7 Lasts
Last Drink: Water
Last Kiss: DH
Last Meal: Chicken Salad with bread and now I can't remember...
Last Web Site Visited: Literarygirl.com
Last Movie Watched: Watch a movie?DO those cheese Hallmark channel ones count?
Last Phone Call: Is this a trick question?
Last TV show Watched: This is so sad to admit to...Bernie Mac while Sarah was asleep and I was waiting for DH.

6 Have You Evers
Have You Ever Broken the Law: Yeah...yeah
Have You Ever Been Drunk: Just once and believe it or not, it was a total accident. I was eating REALLY salty food and the waitress would NOT bring us water so I was mindlessly drinking Go-go juice and boy howdy after two of those little blue things I was done for.
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: Yeah. Not a great thing.
Have You Ever Been in the Middle/Close to Gunfire: I fired a gun once in Idaho.
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: YES. It's really great.
Have You Ever Broken Anyone's Heart: Yeah. If I wind up in hell (for some reason) that will be why.

5 Things
Things You Can Hear Right Now: The CPU fans
Things On Your Bed: baby toys
Things You Ate Today: waffles, chicken sandwich, chocolate ice cream, applesauce, coffee
Things You Can't Live Without: Plant nurseries, coffee, dairy products, Lact-aid, Music
Things You Do When You Are Bored: sleep, go to Target
4 Places You Have Been Today: Church, front yard, Kitchen
3 Things On Your Desk Right Now: Paperwork, Zippy the Pinhead Lamp and speakers
2 Choices Black or White: Black
Hot or Cold: Cold. I hate the heat.
1 Place You Want To Visit The Oprah show


morris said…
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LiteraryGirl said…
I like Hallmark movies! In fact, I'm slowly working my way through one I recorded a few weeks ago. Unfortunately I can only take the "cheese" for fifteen minutes at a time!
AMY said…
Those Jane Doe movies on Hallmark with Leah whats her name from All The Right Moves and Caroline in the City are kind of fun to watch when I'm tired and not wanting to talk too much. Little House is good too.

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