Bit by Bit

Our church is gearing up for their yearly garage sale which is actually held in the Barn. Maybe we should rename it. At any rate I've had a pile of things downstairs for about a month and I finally had to cover it with a sheet to keep the kids from getting into it. I took quite a few boxes over a few days ago and then I took a big box to the kid resale store as well. Hopefully I will get some store credit I can use! Since it was mostly toys we took over, I think I will let them choose some new toys in the summer when they get bored and need some new and shiny.

With all the shedding and sorting and loading OUT of the house...somehow I feel much lighter already! I also promised the last of my maternity clothes to a lady at my eye Doctor's office and I still have a bag of nice size 10 shoes to do something with. Tis the season to shed the stuff.

I've found that it's so much easier to function when we have less. I cleaned out the pantry yesterday and sorted and threw away what was old. It looks great and it is much easier to find things. I tried to get the whole kitchen cleaned...but with the ants taking up residence I battled them instead. Since my girl is home with a fever I think I might get to the kitchen counters today as well. It's bit by bit around here.

My son is having atmospheric tantrums as of late. You know the ones where you think, "I'm not sure Dr. Dobson ever met one like this...." It's crazy. I realized that I won't be able to out-man him for much longer. He is a very strong kid and VERY DETERMINED. Ahem. He's just like his father like that. When he decides his mind...there is no outside force that can change it. He might relent in action, but his mind will not change lest he decide to do so. Since my son is 2 we've been trying to find more ways for him to "do it myself" as he says. So I am trying to chill out about him taking things off the counters, and allow him to use pencils to draw, dress himself (if I have the hour) and help around the house in general. At other times he just wants to be babied. He wants to be carried and he wants to play pretend baby puppy or kitty. He wants to snuggle with me and be held a lot. So he seems to be straddling toddlerhood and babyhood. He seems torn on the inside about what he wants. And oh that struggle unfun for me! He just rages at times during timeouts and when he loses his chance at things. It's hard for him to understand that an opportunity doesn't last forever. 10 minutes is just that. Then it's time to move on. We cannot wait on him. It's hard to decide to do a thing AFTER your mother has declared the consequence and then believe it's the same as you having done the thing before the consequence. Like changing your mind is the same thing as doing the action when it was asked. As a man once told me, "Delayed obedience IS disobedience." So it's hard to be 2 around here and thankfully I have a lot of experienced moms around me to coach me through this season. I know from my first child that the season of baby kitties and snuggles and being held by mommy does not last forever. Right now he just came in the kitchen singing "I going to color" and then proceeded to get out the crayons and get into a chair and start coloring. He's so big. And yet he's so small! Sigh. Is this what we are like before the Lord? Resisting our growth and throwing tantrums before God? I wonder...I really wonder.


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