You run out of coffee and then you forget the littlest one's sweatshirt. Then your contacts get all cloudy and dry right after you put them in. Then when you are taking a 96 second bathroom break your daughter comes in and announces, "Mom, I killed all the ants dead for you." and you forget to congratulate her on her bravery because you get sidetracked on where the ants are. So then you spend half an hour with the vacuum downstairs getting all the little ants on the carpet that were seeking out the dirty car seat parked in the middle of the room and you have to spray Raid into the nozzle of the vacuum just to make sure those suckers are dead. Then you make a nice dinner with some zucchini and decide to make your kids eat one single bite before dinner was over. Your 2 year old son holds it in his mouth for about 10 minutes as you try to entice him to swallow the bite. So then you take out the chocolate covered raisins and tell him he can't have any until he swallows the vegetable. You try to say it nonchalantly as he is coughing with his mouth closed. He then throws up on his dinner plate and says, " Canna have chocolate raisins now?" and you just pick up the plate and hand over the raisins.