For Tamara and Amy K
This is for you two, though there might be some other reader of my long lost blog out there somewhere. Amy K sent me a message recently about putting time and energy into her real friendships that require time and effort. Facebook status updates don't count. I am guilty of that to the hilt. I'm on Facebook a lot compared to what I need to be. So, all that to say this blog post effort is for the two of you so you know where my mind is and what I do each day.
Today I hit the baseball out of the park on the homefront. I picked almost all the last of the garden produce: zuchinni, green tomatoes, 4 bell peppers, cucumbers and rhubarb. Much later I canned two quarts of pickles which are so simple it almost isn't funny. But earlier in the afternoon I cleaned out the master closet to create a little work area. I uncovered the teak breakfast table I bought my mom when I was 14 (for Mother's Day). Then I moved in a lamp, moved around all the clothes and boxes and cleaned both bathrooms. It looks nice in there and I finally have a place where the kids can't get to the scissors and I can do a craft project and stop in the middle without fear of cereal spilling on it 30 minutes later. I'd go get a picture if it, but the baby is sleeping in my room and I am not waking that kid for anything save a fire. I was just about to say "And the second coming of Christ" but then it freaked me out to think I might be raptured and some of the kids would be here alone. Then I remembered the verse about the kids being saved through their parents and I relaxed knowing all the kids would come to heaven with me if that happened. They are all under the age of reason so they are in the clear. Weird thoughts I know.
I also cleaned up about 2 gallons of little acorns yesterday. I worried someone would slip on them since a lot of folks walk in our cul-de-sac and the sidewalk was rife with acorns. Our pin oak in the front is dropping them like crazy. I looked about an hour ago and the sidewalk was filling up again. So I guess I have some work cut our for me. Our lawn is going to be pin oak nursery if I don't get out there and get them off the lawn. I still have about 3 or 4 wheelbarrows of bark to spread too. Alan will have to do the gravel. My spine can't take the load of gravel.
What else? I just made some pizza dough to freeze and to make pigs in a blanket (pizza dough wrapped hot dogs) for the kids for lunch. Have you ever made those? Knowing Amy K and Tamara, I bet you both use whole wheat flour for this kind of thing. I only buy white flour in bulk, so maybe next time.
I am on the look out for apples! I want to make a huge batch of applesauce for the winter again. Most of the apple sources have gone bad this year. I also have about 4 lbs of rhubarb to deal with today. I think I might have to make some jam, or a pie. I think I have a frozen pie crust in the freezer I could use. But we're still working on the Costco pumpkin pie I bought last weekend. Those are so much bigger when you get them home. It's weird.
That's all I have at present!
Oh, dear Julie! You make me want to blog again...actually, I've been thinking about it. It's so much more effective than facebook. It shares more of my life and let's me write more...both things I desire.
I wish I had a would be so lovely to have home grown produce. I've never canned a thing in my life, but I'd love to learn. Perhaps one day we'll be in a kitchen together and you can teach me!
I do make lots from scratch, though, and I've taken to trying to cook for two weeks at a time on one I can freeze everything and save the hassle at 3 PM each day when I realize Mike will be off work and I haven't thought of dinner!
You make me miss you even more, dear friend. I don't know why I am so homesick lately...really, everything is going pretty well. I just still haven't made the kind of friend out here that I have in you. Someone who totally gets me.
Love you.