We Want our Dada

Today was hard. I feel like my girl and I are on a roller coaster ride about every hour. She is teething(does this EVER end?) and that added to my pregnancy hormones and we are a matched set. This afternoon I sat on our bedroom floor with her and I read her a story. Then she found a penny and I asked her to give it to me...four times. Finally after she dipped it in the toilet water (yeah, she figured out how to lift the lid) I lost it. I just went to pieces and I sobbed, "I just want you to obey me! Just do what I ask the first time. I miss Daddy and I just want him to come home!" (Sob, sob, sob) She went to pieces and I know she was scared by my losing it. I felt so bad that I held her and I tried to read a book nearby to calm us both down. I was about some owl babies who think their Mama went away for ever and the baby owl just keeps saying, "I want my Mommy". It was hard, I mean who writes books like that? I'm not reading that book again. We got enough going on.

So I decided we should go find an adventure which consisted of a trip to the pet store to find a cat repellent. We looked at birds and fish and then we went to Schlotzky's to pick up dinner. Since the weather is so great, we went to the part near our house to eat dinner and play. My girl was very interested in the Latino guys playing soccer. After she played on the playground she crashed a family birthday party. I had to chase her through the whole thing to catch up with her. She knew she was in trouble... she was bookin' it. It was pretty cute since she was so enamoured with herself about it all. She is so cute that everyone just laughed as I chased her around the party. We left the park right after that.

She went to sleep well enough and I got the dishes done to try and dissuade the ants from staying around the sink. So life is pretty good now that the day is done. I am tired in more ways then I can enumerate. Good night everyone.

I have to ask: Is it this hard for all Mommies when Daddies are gone for the week?


AMY said…
OH, Honey. It is very hard on Mommies when Daddies are gone, especially when if the Daddy helps out alot around the house. Spending time with other people is really helpful. I didn't do this enough when the kiddos were younger. I'm sorry it's been tough for you. I think that if you atleast have the sink clean and food put away that you are doing pretty good. Just rest as much as you can, and get as much fresh air as you can. Those two things I also did not do enough when the kiddos were younger.

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