Things I wish I could tell my husband today!

Sadly, he is on a super secret training and we won't hear from him until Friday. So to be sure I don't forget here is my list:
1. Our daughter used the word similar correctly in a sentence today in the van. I almost started crying out of joy and my pride in her development. She's three, mind you, about 3 and a half. It's a rare word for a 3 year old to know and use with ease. It was so great!

2. On the other hand, she was still completely freaked out about the part of the Vacation Bible School with the apostle Paul and the Roman guard. She was so upset, her Grandma had to hold her out on the porch of the little house because of her fear. So, her heart is 3 for sure, as any suspense is quite scary for her. Sweet little thing has  sensitive heart. I was like that too and I don't want to put more fears in her then she will naturally pick up anyway. 

3. My son said he loves me. He just started this last week. He is so full of life, a tantrum one minute and a hug and kiss and giggle the next. He's trying so hard to be a big boy! His most used phrase to me lately is, " Idoit!" I cannot kiss that boy enough.

4. Breyers finally makes a half fat Mint Chocolate chip ice cream.  Hooray for me! It's really good!

5. I am previewing the old Winnie the Pooh video from Disney to check it to see if my girl can watch it. Pooh just fell out of the tree and bounced down the branches, I'm not sure she's gonna take that in stride. Kids are literal and empathize with the characters. So, I don't know if it's a good idea to let her see it. I'll finish this tonight to see if she can watch it tomorrow. 

And that's it for today!


Amy K. said…
I had to read that twice. "I-do-it" looks a lot like "idiot" when read after 2 AM!

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