Leaps and Bounds
Oh, my little boy is growing up so fast! Last week he ate sausage, chicken and noodles in less then 12 hours. The following week he crawled up 5 stairs, said "Momma" in the cereal aisle and then crawled on all fours when we got home from the grocery store. It was amazing. About 48 hours ago he figured out how to stand up in his crib and at present he is making a scene in his room since I will not go in and pick him up out of his crib. I've already been in 3 times to help him get down and all 3 times it just seems to make him furious. So, I am waiting this out with a long overdue blog post.

My last post was all dark and twisty and I didn't mean for it to be. In retrospect my point is that the town I used to live in has lost it's appeal. The bloom is off the rose. It's not shiny and full of
folks I know. Which is normal since I did not attend church while I was there. If I had I am sure I would have seen many more people I know. It was hard to travel with a 2 year old and a 9 month old. Both kids are still off kilter with sleep schedules. In about 2 weeks we will go up to my dad's house and again, sleep schedules will go awry. That's the only part I dread about
going. Other then that we love to visit up there. I mean, who doesn't want to grandma's house when she owns a bakery? Grandma and doughnuts- what a potent combo. To top it all off, my kids are ADORED by her grandparents up there so it's win-win all around.
The yard is still at a standstill. It looks so very bad, even the neighbors are starting to ask about it. We got the bid back for the brick and cement work and it was just over 15k. Yup. No brick for us. So now we're looking at the whole thing with new eyes and trying to find what we can do just this year. We can save up for the rest later. Much, much later. I think we might swing the sprinkler system and drainage and grass. Thankfully we didn't round-up all the plants or our yard would be a complete loss right now. Oh, and just when I decide to let go of the apple trees in the front yard, they finally produce fruit. How do you like them apples? *Sigh* Oh well, we can move them in the fall.
So the church is hiring a new nursery care director and my husband wants me to put my hat in the ring. I am not sure he realizes what it will entail for ALL our family. I know we're all pulling for another mom to get it. A gal we know who would be great at it, and who needs non-traditional work while her kids are in school. So, I doubt I would be up for consideration, as we're pulling for her.
So how are grocery prices treating you? I can see that an upright non-frost freezer might be in our future. If meat goes on sale, or whatever I am going to buy it while I can. Pretty soon we will not be able to eat meat, or ice cream or chips, or packaged food of any kind. We will be growing everything and making due with beans and rice. Even the price of chicken stock went up, so soups will cost more too. (I can just hear Literary Girl posting that I can make it with veggie stock too, but it just doesn't taste the same) Even small things are more, like candy bars and paper plates.
What are you doing to beat the high prices of food? I know we are all driving less!