Oh Neglectful Blogger!

Yes, I have been remiss in blogging as of late. Please forgive me, as I am trying to find my life. Well, actually I am trying to make my life, our life. I realize that I am the "fairytale director" for my children.  I am the one who is responsible for the story reading, the imagination development, the creative play department for the people I gave birth. Along with my responsibilities of cooking, feeding, bathing, diapering, and the moral development and everything else. 

I realized that last season's Battlestar Galactica seems more real to me then my own family, and I made the connection. TV is defining my children's imagination. My daughter talks more about the members of the Backyardigans then her cousins, or any other child her age. She asks me to tell her stories about them that include her in the storyline before she goes to bed at night. I recently changed our tactics to make the heroes of the stories animals, instead of TV characters. I also started to get us out of the house more to play with other kids so she can make friends in real life. Blues Clues is nice, but Blue cannot come for a playdate. 

So my new endeavor is to make our real life, truly real. I want to make it enjoyable, creative, adventuresome and sometimes messy. I want to give my kids opportunities to act out their story ideas in the yard, and not in the living room in front of the TV. I want them to star in their own show, the show that will play in their memories, called their childhood. We will always re-runs on TV, but I only have this chance with my kids once. I regret that I have squandered too much already.  No more. 


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