O Sleep, Where Art Thou?
I also have the son of my friend here this week since his daycare lady is on vacation. He's awesome and my girl loves having a friend to play with. So it's only 1/2 a day and that's just fine for all of us. I just sorely wish we had a place for a 3rd car seat so we could go places together. Staying home gets a little boring after two weeks. There are worse things though.
The yard. Ah, the yard. We should get the final plans any day now. Then we can have it bid out and start work. Most landscapers said that homeowners don't actually take out the last sprinkler system. It is usually just capped off with the sprinkler heads taken out. We think that is so weird. We are talking about running the sprinklers for 3 days and then pulling it out ourselves. We were able to just essentially pull it out of the ground without digging a few months ago when the ground was really wet. So, we think if we get some childcare, sunscreen and Venti mochas we can take the majority out of the ground. At that point we might as well get a small tractor and just rip everything out. I hate to lose all those plants I put in as a result of birthdays money, or the plants I bought for 2 bucks and then nursed for 2 years to get in shape. So, I am thinking that I might make a top ten set of plants, dig them up and put them in pots to keep for the new yard. I know I can give away the two rose trees, but some of the others it will be a shame to lose! I really like plants, and I don't like to let them go. I just have to keep
in mind that we are going for a low maintenance yard, a completed low maintenance yard. It's hard for me to let go of stuff like that, but as my husband convinced me: I am not trusting God if I think I will never have enough money to buy it again if I need it. That always makes me put my head on straight about getting rid of stuff.
Got a pic of the back yard where a large portion of the plum tree fell off , right where we'd been standing with the kiddos about an hour before. Gives you an idea of why you should trim up your trees professionally and not leave it undone for years for the next homeowner.