It's raining!

I love the rain in May. It's our last good shot at water in the surrounding lakes and mountains for a good snow pack for the summer. It seems like the area I live in has been in a drought since I was a little girl. I distinctly remember a severe water shortage when my parents would wake up and water the lawn at 5 am before anyone could see us watering. All our outside water was drawn from a well, so we weren't even using any city water, but all people would see was the water sprinklers on. Since my dad was mayor about that time, it seemed prudent to water in the dark. At the moment it is raining so hard my gutters cannot hold all the water and it is gushing down at the edge of one gutter making a pool at the ground near my favorite rose. I am not worried about it at all, since we ripping everything out to put new back in. In fact, we are even putting in a new water main since we'll have the ground all torn up. That way when the water main goes awry in a few years, we will already have the new one plumbed in and we won't have to tear up all the new brickwork to lay a new pipe. Pipes in our area fail after so many years, and if it holds true, we'll have to replace it while we own this house. 

I had a great birthday last weekend. My husband surprised me with a trip to a local spa to get a pedicure with my best friend. Then we had a bite to eat. Then I came home to a beautiful home cooked steak, mushrooms, broccoli with cheese sauce, roasted tomato and mashed potatoes and a coconut flan for dessert. I stepped on the scale and I am up 3 pounds. That was one amazing steak folks. So I've been out of the loop for a while since we accidently severed out internet line while digging up the sprinkler heads. We even had the lines all marked all over the property so we wouldn't do that. As a result we didn't get our internet back until last night. So I have a lot of blogging catch up to do! 

Kids are great. Little guy is over 20 pounds and is a beautiful little blondie. He's tenacious and smiles almost all the time. My girl continues to amaze us with her vocabulary. She also is learning about manners and inviting others to join her. I hear a lot of "Come wif me Mommy" and "Want some water Daddy?" as she runs to the cup drawer and the "water spenser" as she calls it. It's pretty great being a parent. Hard, but great. 


AMY said…
It sounds like you had a fabulous day. That dinner sounds delicious! Glad to hear that you are back on line and getting a little more sleep.

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