Short on Posts as of Late
Not that my vast readership of 3 will mind so much. I've been with the kiddos and working at the church a lot these past two weeks. We are launching a new coffee cart as a mission fund raiser and it takes a lot of work to pull one together. Our youth director is building the actual cart and I am supplying the coffee know how on my end. I think I see a trip to the restaurant supply store today to pick up a few missing items. I looked at cash and carry on Friday, but I didn't see them. So I will strap the kids into the double stroller and go get the things we need for the coffee cart we don't have at present.
Our yard is coming along-the plans for the yard have come in and we have the first draft. It keeps the original shape of the yard but with a new look overall. There are pavers where the deck was going to be, and I think I like that better already. It is cooler in the summer and less expensive to maintain years to come. It also is easier to put in, we could do it ourselves should we decide to. I doubt we will since time is a premium in our house, I can imagine we'd rather have a professional do it, and put it off another year so we can save up for it. We'll see.
The "new-to-us" car is also on hold until late August/September. Yeah, I am sad about that too. I was hoping for the new car next month so I could take it to see my Dad. It is a lot bigger and nicer then our current car, so I am very sad it will not be available. In fact, I wonder if we need to think about another option for a new-to-us car. We'll see...
The kids are amazing. My daughter figured out how to kiss last night and she can now make a bonafide smacking sound. It's so cute. She is also trying all sorts of new things at home and abroad. We went to my sister in laws house yesterday and she ran around in just her little pants for about 2 hours. She looked like a wild haired banshee going from the back yard back to the deck running and laughing and eating ice cream. It was so fun to watch her have a good time with her cousins. She is a joy.
My son slept through the night Saturday night and he almost slept through last night. He only woke up once for a 6oz bottle. I introduced new protein food like chicken and turkey baby food and I have been packing him in at every meal so he can sleep through the night. My bible study ladies are praying for us as well and I know that made a difference in his sleep. We need to get him to sleep without waking up to eat every 2.5 hours. We simply have to be able to sleep.
What else- I think we're done having babies. I was waffling about it and my best friend came over and asked me, "Exactly how would you handle another baby? I mean, logistically, how would you do that?" and it became crystal clear. I am done having babies, and if God means for us to have another one we are always willing to adopt, or to take in Foster kids. My body cannot take another pregnancy, and neither can my husband. We have to be done with newborns. So, that's that. It's a relief, to be able to know I am done. I have been struggling with it for some time.
That's our news!
We have to try to figure out a way to see one another when I'm in Oregon! I'll email you my schedule right now!