It's Hard To Explain

I found a listing on Craigslist the other day for some clothes. There was little reccommend the buyer to me, but I wanted one item out of the lot and the price was cheap. If I didn't use any of the other clothes I could donate them and the deduction on my taxes would exceed the cost of the whole lot. Little did I know I was about to get so much more than a deduction on my taxes or a small swimsuit for my girl. 

I called the seller and we agreed to meet at a grocery store in her small town about 30 minutes from my own. Since I didn't have much else to do, I decided to drive up there with the kids and get the the clothes. For nothing else, it's a nice drive. On my way out the door I had the thought I was supposed to put some groceries in a bag for her and bring it along. Then I chided myself thinking I was going to be embarassed if I gave her some groceries and she didn't need them.  But the thought was nagging me so I rationalized taking the spaghetti ingredients saying to myself, "I can always leave them in the car if I have the wrong impression".  So off we went. 

When I met her I could tell life was hard for her. I won't divulge details here, but I will say that life has been very hard for a while for her family. One line got me straight in the heart,"Sometimes I send my daughter to her boyfriend's house so she can eat."

So I gave her the small sack of groceries and I then realized my little offering was going to be their dinner that night. They had absolutely nothing. The thought of sending your kids to another person's house to eat haunted me all the way home. So asked the gal if we could ease her burden in any way and she reluctantly agreed.  I think she is surprised by her state of affairs, and they have been selling everything they have in order to eat. She recently lost 25 lbs...because they've nothing to eat.  So, I asked my extended family to pitch in and provide a few essentials for this little family of four. 

And that's when the floodgates opened. I mean, my family went berserk with help. We all dug through our houses to pick out items to help-toothbrushes, soap, shampoo, toilet paper, clothes, gift cards, and of course groceries. We collected so much stuff we had to take a van up to their house. Then we had to go back to take what we missed the first trip. It was so fun to be able to be the hands and feet of God. This sweet lady had been praying for God to provide food and basics for her family.  You know when you are that poor you don't buy toilet paper and dish soap, or shampoo, or conditioner, or carpet cleaner, or candy, or new shoes. You only buy food and gas to get to job interviews.  

God is good. 


LiteraryGirl said…
good for you stepping up and doing something. way to go.
we must be the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need. it is a requirement, not simply an option if we feel like it.
i loved this post. encouraging.
sorry to be choppy...typing in an odd position...
Amy K. said…
Wow. What an impression we set for our children when they see us do the right thing, too...I believe that even when they are little, they sense the good things we do. God is truly good in a world that is not always kind.

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