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A really fun thing happened though. I think I made a new friend. I was at the Mall with the kids and we stopped to play with the little car displays. You know the kind that you put 50 cents in and it makes noises for the kids to ride. There was another little girl my daughter's age and her mom and I started talking. It was like everything she said was exactly the way I thought about things. She made me laugh really hard. I loved talking to her and at the end I wanted to tell her how much I liked talking to her. I didn't know how to express that without risking it coming off like a come on. Which is really sad that I can't just express those thoughts without fear of "making a move" on her. So, I told her I liked talking with her and that I hoped to see her at the mall again. She reciprocated and said I should come to her town to do some kid friendly things. That opened the door for me to ask for her number to set up a play-date and voila! I have a new friend! That, and my daughter has a playmate her own age. I left the Mall very happy to find a new friend, and happy I managed to do so without any social hiccups. Which sounds weird, but lately it's like I cannot seem to locate my social appropriate skills when with other women. I get so excited to see them and talk I turn into a monologue-driven comedy sketch. I hate when I do that. Those old habits are so hard to break!
So, that's our news. What's yours?
So, that's our news. What's yours?