102.3 and Rising

Oh yes, we finally have our turn at the severe illness taking it's toll on households everywhere. As a nation our stock in Tylenol is rising, our bank accounts are dwindling and we all looking sunk-eyed and listless at the grocery store. We see other moms and look at them in their last nights-post-toddler-throw-up sweatpants and husbands t-shirt and just nod as if to say, "We had our turn last week." What a week.

My 5 month old had a wicked high fever and a very runny nose to boot. We battled that and had a trip to the pediatrician. Then he had a 3 hour wailing session that took all of our strength and knowledge to battle. In the end I think it was the prayer that ended the suffering. Then there I was giving him a bath at 1:30 am...just to make sure his Tylenol took effect before we put him down to bed. He got up 3 more times after that I got 3 hours sleep total. Toddler girl woke up from her newly christened crib turned big girl bed to come downstairs and throw up. So off to the bath we went, 3 times total that day after each event. Fevers spiked, massive laundry was washed, mommy was almost depleted and finally it was the final hour to sleep. 5 month woke up a few times, and toddler came in my room at 6am sharp. She put her hand on me and asked for chicken nuggets and mayonnaise, and peanuts, and Cheerios. Can we detect the need for salt and electrolytes? More Gatorade and Pedia pops this morning. Son has heat rash, daughter is currently wrapped up on couch next to me watching Backyardigans.

That's our life. Thankfully I have a God who grants me sleep between the traumas and a mother in law who is a pediatric nurse. How much better does it get? Oh, yeah, my husband remembered the teething biscuits at the store...and they're organic. I so love that man.


Amy K. said…
So sorry. Ugh. Hope to have news for you tomorrow, though.
Saille said…
I remember we had a a 103 and rising. I know your pain. And frustration. And reflection in the mirror. ;o]

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