A Snowy Sunday

In our neck of the woods we don't see snow very often. we live in a sort of Banana-belt area of our state where the temperatures are more moderate, save the summers that are hotter then most. So we don't see snow often here. Today we left church at 11:30am and we went for a drive to look at new housing developments. By the time we got home and made lunch for the kiddos it started snowing. It's now 3:07pm and there is a heavy snowfall and 3 inches on the ground. So crazy. Yet it is beautiful and serene. Snow makes everything seem new and pure. I love it.

We had a few nice days last week and we went outside to play. I got some good pictures of my girl, my favorite is posted to the right.

Once again we are entertaining the idea of moving to a new house. Same town, same area, but perhaps into the new development where the old golf course was. My spouse is an all-or-nothing kind of guy, so when we talk about it he makes huge lists of all the necessary things we must do in order to move. The lists are so long and exhaustive that I immediately find myself just shrugging the whole idea off since it already seems impossible. I simply cannot do all that work by myself since he works so much. Like how am I going to paint the house with a 2 year old and a 5 month old running around? Even if we did move out for a short while to paint and spruce up the house, um, who is going to watch the kids for THAT MANY HOURS? It makes me laugh right now, realizing what a joke moving would be. So, I guess we're just where we started, in our 1970's house-minty fresh colored and leaking heat from the old metal windows. We'll replace the rest of the windows within a few years, but we need a new(er) car first and we'd like to do the backyard too.

So, I"ll just be content (since it seems to be a discipline) and watch the snow as I stay warm bed as I type. Hope you have a warm Sunday!


AMY said…
It can seem like an absolutely daunting task, huh? Just breathe...

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