Who Knew?

That a silly post about Mac and cheese would get some comments? He he he he. Funny. I went and bought some Annie's -just for you Amy K. I still don't like it very much, I add real cheese at the end so it has a semblance of nutrition for my girl. I'll try the Safeway brand too Jodi, when I go there next. I rarely go to Safeway because it's the longest checkout in the history of grocery stores and the prices are far too high( at least down here).

What else is new? Well, we're just ambling towards Christmas Day around here. Our kids are fine all in all and one of them is asking to hold my camera at the moment and the other one is fussing in the living room for lack of entertainment. So, everybody is fine I suppose! We've had our turns of hard days but we're making a comeback I think. I think my Dad is coming tomorrow so I hope to see him. Plus I have a pedicue appontment on Thursday with my 2nd best friend. It's going to be so fun, I love this woman and we always have a lot of laughing together.

How is your week shaping up?


Amy K. said…
Way to go, Jodi, now we've got her trying four different kinds of that boxed stuff she never wanted to serve. Aren't we good friends?!
Seeker said…
thats a happy post!! wish you a happy holiday and a terrific year ahead :-)

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