Punishment and Sorrow

My dear sweet angelic daughter was disobedient last night. I finally had to administer some strong discipline to help her remember that I am the Mommy, and what I say is the law 'round these parts. So she went running to Daddy and she refused to kiss me goodnight. I did make her kiss her brother, for he did nothing wrong- he was simply in my arms when the whole incident went down. A few minutes later I went into her room while her Daddy was reading her a story. I went in to tell her goodnight and make amends. She took one look at me and said,"No Mommy. Downstairs."
I said, "You want to go downstairs?"
She stated again,"No Mommy. Downstairs."
I said, "You want me to go downstairs?"
She replied, "Yes."
I asked, "Are you still mad at me for your discipline?"
She didn't reply.

I almost cried. She was telling me to leave her room because she was mad at me for her earlier consequences. I am sure it won't be the last time she uses those sentiments after I tow the line.

Parenting hurts your heart sometimes.


Amy K. said…
Ugh. I know this all to well. Girls are a strange breed...even so young (or, perhaps, ESPECIALLY so young)!
LiteraryGirl said…
Hang in there. We have ALL been there. I have shed many tears behind closed doors over comments my kids have made to me when they have been disciplined. This is a hard job.
AMY said…
That is so hard. You did the right thing. She has to learn to treat you with respect, right? You are a great momma! And a great ace photog for the central Oregon fire department!

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