About 50 Times

I have TRIED to blog lately, I really tried. Somehow I was always thwarted by someone's spit up, someone's need for a diaper change, a trip to the store for milk, or any other host of reasons. I seriously tried to blog.

We've had quite the week over here. Last week was the kind of week where you give your kid Doritos AND candy in the same meal, you get a shower every other day and you cannot stop thinking about the Blue's Clue's songs perpetually playing on the DVR for your almost 2 year old. It was hard to get through, but we did. I have photos of some really funny moments and when I get a hand free I will download them for you.

Today my contractor pulled out our dishwasher and found it leaked all over our less then 3 year yr old floor. Nice. So out it goes and in with the new...once we replace the floor again and we can put in a new dishwasher. I want one that has that cool feature with a garbage disposal in the machine so I don't have to pre-wash all my dishes. Goodness, I already have enough to do around here.

I am moving my little son into his crib tonight in his own room. That child makes more noise then a garbage truck when he sleeps in his bassinet. Between the snorts, the little cries and the grunts I cannot sleep. I am sandwiched between the two noisy men in the house, since my son's bassinet in on my side of the bed. So out he goes and I'll keep the monitor cranked up so I can hear him stir at 3:30 am for his feeding.

I just saw a Banoffeee recipe on Paula's Home Cooking. It's a banana/toffee pudding and I just realized I have ALL THE INGREDIENTS to make it right now. It's basically a graham cracker crust, a layer of cooked sweetened condensed milk and bananas (layer 2x) and then topped with whipped cream. I mean, how good does that sound? Seriously? I am so going to make that. Ok, maybe not today since I have a sink full of dishes and no dishwasher.

And how are all of you?


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