Ok, so yesterday's post was an attempt to keep from a crying jag brought about by frustration and hormones. It seemed like everybody in cyberspace was updating their site and the super cute picture I have of my girl won't sit upright, even though I tried it like 3 times(finally got it yesterday). I was so mad about that. But, after coffee and a trip to the printers to pick up Beth Moore posters- all was quiet on the western front. My girl was an angel the rest of the day and I got some sleep, lunch and that helped a LOT. Plus I went to Target to get last minute stuff (pacifier, nursing pads, etc). I got a slurpee (like 10oz one) for my daughter and she took one sip and her eyes opened wide and she said, "CANDY!". I replied that it was drink candy and I immediately blamed my lack of judgement on the hormones. But boy was she energized when we got home. Haven't seen her like that in some time...I finally fessed up about the slurpee to my husband after my girl wrestled him for 30 straight minutes. Poor guy.