4:17 AM

I'm up. I bet Amy K is too back in the Midwest. Well, maybe in another hour. Anway, I am sitting here at my computer because I can't sleep. I've been up for over an hour tossing in bed, thinking weird thoughts. At least I know they are weird. It is the hormones from the baby. So I can at least identify them and move on to other thoughts.

I decided to get up and type out some notes about my girl. That way if she is watched here at the house, or at a family member's house it's all in print in case it's needed. My sisters in law are awesome with my girl and they just do things naturally. But when other adults are around, they need some direction about the location of diapers, outdoor shoes, and when my girl eats. So, I am up to get these thoughts on paper and then print them up later this morning.

Still no closer to giving birth (as I see it). No contractions to speak of, no pain or difficulty walking more than usual. My babies want to stay in I guess. My girl was that way too.

So what's up with all of you?


Amy K. said…
6:17...was I up? Just barely. We had some major storms here last night! There's flooding everywhere...but so far our neck of the woods is okay. I don't think I've ever seen so much rain...even in Or-y-gun!

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