I am offically a "church lady"

Today I was inducted into the time honored tradition of Vacation Bible School. I filled in for the pre-Kindergarten rotations for singing..and I am wiped out. I don't think I"ve worked out that hard in months...er...maybe years. I am sure I sweated those 2 lbs I gained when I weighed at the OB's yesterday. Seriously...but it was really fun. I took in my daughters drum and shaker set and the VBS leader found me some tambourines to add. THat helped immensely when we played our instruments to the song, because everyone had something to play.

I guess the groups had a hard time the first two days...as you can imagine little excited kiddos in a new environment can be. So, I cordoned off the play area they were so into the first days and then sweetened the deal with zaniness and the lure of making a lot of noise with the drums to keep them repeating their song to learn it. They will sing it Friday night at the parent dinner event and I'll be right there...on my knees in front of them.

We got back from the desert just fine. We had such a fabulous time...it makes me wish we had planned a vacation this summer as well as planned the time off for the new baby in the fall. Our girl is a GEM to travel with. Although, I think the Mike and Ikes and new Seasame Street DVD helped out in that department. But I just stopped every 45 minutes to let her run around and we did just fine. She had so many new expereinces that I don't even think I could list them. She was so good...even with some pretty dangerous situations around her...she just kept going. I was so amazed...even being scrathed by a puppy didn't stop her. she just kept going like a trooper. My dad and his girlfriend were fabulous to my daughter and she just took to them like sugar. She called my dad "Tommy" and we have no idea where that came from. It spread like wildfire and now all his friends call him Tommy. It was so cute I tell you. I don't think my dad was called Tommy in maybe 50 years. He was so sweet with her...even making a Cookie Monster voice every time she asked. The last few days she has asked to go back to their house. I would if I could!

But Daddy got home and we are very glad for that. He was missed and we're all getting back into the swing of things this week. Funny how much it takes to get back to normal around here. Laundry...groceries...etc.

That's our news...what is yours?


Matt Singley said…
I'm going to live in crazy town, L.A. That's our news!
AMY said…
I'm glad to hear that you got back just fine and that it was a worthwhile trip. You are an amazing lady being so far along and still getting down on your knees like that to lead wee little ones in music. God bless you friend.

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