Family Work Day Birthday Present
Most of you know that I like to work in the yard. I like to grow things and I like to have a peaceful and nice backyard. So it might not surprise you to know that I asked for family work day for my birthday a month ago. That's where your family comes over for a day and works like mad to help you get projects done. In my case, since I am so pregnant and raising a toddler, I needed the center part of our yard pulled out and the soil smoothed out to grow grass. I also need the remainder of the bark spread on the upper part of the flower beds since hauling bark is not conducive to growing babies. So at 5 pm our family showed up ready to work...I had burritos ready and lemonade with rhubarb cobbler to boot. It was amazing what got done in under 3 hours. All the rocks were taken out, the nandina roots were pulled out, the soil raked down, a new wall built to cap off the rose garden and the soil raked out to pull out stubborn ivy roots still lurking in the ground. Now our grass area looks more like a horsehoe shape...and it looks like it was always suppsed to be that way. Oh, and the rest of the bark was spread out up on the flower beds and my mother in law clipped a few things for me since she has a way with pruning.
I've been working on our yard for months now. I usually got some stuff done every time we go out to play. I prune, I pull weeds around the cat poop areas and just generally upkeep the yard, My DH does the mowing, and sometimes I can still get out with the weed eater to get the harder areas and just generally give the lawn a sharper look. So we've been planning to pull ut the center section for months and we slowly pulled out ivy, cut down nandina and the like.
The pictures I found for the before and after really show our progress over the last two years. If I am correct, the before photos are from January 2005, right after our fence fell down in a big storm. My brother did a great job building a new one, and you can see it in the background. The after photos are from this morning, so the quality isn't as great. As you will see in the after photos of the center section of the lawn...we didn't put down grass seed yet. It's too hot this week and we need the peat moss to cover it to keep the birds from eating all the seed. But next week I can imagine we'll start growing grass! Woohooo!

I've been working on our yard for months now. I usually got some stuff done every time we go out to play. I prune, I pull weeds around the cat poop areas and just generally upkeep the yard, My DH does the mowing, and sometimes I can still get out with the weed eater to get the harder areas and just generally give the lawn a sharper look. So we've been planning to pull ut the center section for months and we slowly pulled out ivy, cut down nandina and the like.
The pictures I found for the before and after really show our progress over the last two years. If I am correct, the before photos are from January 2005, right after our fence fell down in a big storm. My brother did a great job building a new one, and you can see it in the background. The after photos are from this morning, so the quality isn't as great. As you will see in the after photos of the center section of the lawn...we didn't put down grass seed yet. It's too hot this week and we need the peat moss to cover it to keep the birds from eating all the seed. But next week I can imagine we'll start growing grass! Woohooo!