Think Before You Post

I saw these public service videos last is worth spreading around. I can't get it to post here, but you can see it at YouTube here:

Both vidoes are excellent reminders...the internet is forever. Can you imagine what some of these teenagers will face as they move into their 20's and some employer googles their name for a job application? There will be some very big surprises...don't you think?


Kathleen F. said…
An excellent point. Most of what I've put on my blog, I keep that in mind (not so much for job application reasons, but for conviction of conscience sake) and yet some of my opinions can show up on my blog and other's blogs, if I'm not diligent to "season my speech with grace".

It seems teenagers, and sometimes their parents, too, can be indiscriminate about what they post on the internet, not realizing what kind of future consequences it can bring.

P.S. I really found a lot of interesting advice in your cat problem/solution posts.

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