Look What I Finally Agreed To:

Yeah, we actually really like it. Our regular chanels didn't come in at various times of the day-mainly when the show we liked was on. So I"m now figuring out how to work the record part so we can skip commercials. I am also looking at the kids programming to see if there is another show besides Teletubbies that my girl can watch. Hopefully this will not contribute to more TV watching...just more deliberate watching. With the baby coming, I don't need to waste more time, I need to redeem some time in order to be ready for this litte guy. We still have to paint...and get a dresser, and clean baby toys. You know the drill.
So that's about it folks...hope your day is as nice as ours.
As for TV shows, as much as I don't like to hop on the Disney bandwagon, they've got some great stuff on Playhouse Disney (the preschool hours in the AM). Check out "Little Einsteins"...it's great for classical music and art! We're also getting pretty hooked on a few singers we've seen on there. "Ralph's World" is a favorite of the kiddos. We bought his CD today...I'd rather they listen to the music than watch it on TV. A final TV fave (we really don't watch as much as it sounds) is "Curious George" on PBS. The show works on early math and science concepts, and they have great parent tips at PBSparents.org.