It's 7:20am and I'm already blogging


Yeah, since we were up and downstairs by 6:50am this morning I happened to look out the window and see...yeah, my neighbor's kitty in our trap. So, I snuck out there and picked up the unhappy kitty and put it in the garage covered with a blanket to keep it calm. I'll wait until husband gets home and he can take action.

Since our last unfortunate conversation with the neighbors we decided that if we trapped their cat we would take it up to them as a way of opening a conversation with them again. We certainly don't want this conflict to escalate any further, but at the same point we will not allow the problem to continue on OUR side of the fence. So we have to be creative about this all and simply stay on message. If we allow ourselves to be lured into name calling, exaggerated or inflated accusations or retaliatory actions we will be clearly sinning. We will make this problem worse and we could wind up somewhere we don't want to a Friday night Dateline story about warring neighbors.

I had to take another cat to the animal control yesterday. So, I know that wasn't a cat that I know...being so closely associated with the cat community around here. So...I don't know what will happen now, but I know the other two cats we trapepd two weeks ago have not come around again. That's what we're aiming for.

What else? Well, I am really getting pregnant looking. I realized I have less then 100 days until the baby is born! I got really sad when I thought about that as I held my girl. She let me hold her like a baby as I sang her a song after a bath. I thought, "She's just so baby-ish still! How can we take that away from her?" Maybe that's not a realistic view, since I'm not taking away her babyhood, I'm just adding a new baby to the mix. Since she's been acclimated to the little guy I had this past school year, I think she will be ok overall. Some jealously, but that is to be expected.

All in all, I hope this day gets better and not all cat-drama-ish like last Wednesday.


Amy K. said…
It is normal to feel that way about taking something away from your girl. You have the right perspective though. And also remember you are giving her the gift of a lifetime...a sibling! My kids love playing together, and I'm so grateful!
AMY said…
You should chat with my sister-in-law Ems. She had that to deal with when Roo came so soon after T. Your little girl will always remember having her bro around. That could be to your advantage. And she will always be your little girl.

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