Cat update

So our neighbor came over tonight around 6:30pm and started out with, "I came over to talk about your cat poop." Shortly afterward she followed up with"Well, that's just not going to work for us. Our cats are outdoor cats." Then she proceeded ask my husband if we would install a product on our property to keep their cats out of our yard. They of course would buy it, but in their minds it can only be on our property since installation on their property is out of the question (various reasons were provided why, but none are realistic enough to be believed).

There are like a thousand things I'd like to say about her response. But, since I've cooled off I'll sum it up as this: I think I had it correct the first time. This particular neighbor thinks it is my responsibility to keep her cat from defecating on my property and/or keep the cat off my property. I think she believes she is being more then fair by offering to pay for the product to be used. She also believes that we are being unreasonable by trapping the cats at all.

Another neighbor called and left a message where she applauded our efforts to eliminate the
problem. So, funny how different the two responses are from two different sides of the fence.

So, the long and the short of it is this: My husband agreed to use a product they will provide on the south side of our property. We agree that if we trap their cat on another area of our yard we will notify them. After a specified number of times that we trap their cat we will then just take the cat to the humane society. At that point we will give them the product back since it didn't work and we will continue to trap cats until the problem ends.

I have to say: My husband is a very diplomatic man whom I admire. He's much more so then I would be if I'd had that conversation with said neighbor. I am glad I married him.


Amy K. said…
Why is it that people think cats and dogs are so different? Think about how this situation would be different if it was a dog. Even an "outdoor" dog could be trained to stay in his own yard...not come over and mess up yours. There are even laws about leaving dog poop in public places. Obviously, there is a standard for dog owners that people can't seem to apply to themselves as cat owners. I wouldn't be installing ANYTHING on my is HER responsibility. However, installing it on your property solves your cat problem with ALL of your neighbors' cats...not just hers (without you paying for it). I feel you irritation!
Amy K. said…
By they way, have you mentioned Toxoplasmosis to them? It can be a problem even if you're NOT pregnant. Since you's even more so a threat. People just need to figure this out!

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