"Ahhh dahhh"

That's my daughter's way of saying she is all done with her food. She uses a modified sign language movement with her wrists and hands and it comes out as "Ahhh Dahhh" in a sing song voice at the table. It's pretty useful when I am running back and forth from the kitchen to the dining room and she can tell me she is finished.

Yesterday she sported a fever so we went to the Pediatrician's for a looksee...just in case it was an ear infection. My girl wasn't in the mood to have her ears looked at by the doctor, and as he persisted she got more and more upset. I let go of her so I could move her to the examination table so he could get a really good look in her ear. That's when she let out a mournful wail,"Mama, ahhhh dahhh!" and she burst into tears. I felt so bad I had to persist when she clearly told me she didn't want any more prodding!

I almost cried...because it was cute and because I felt bad I had to keep up the torture.

Parenting is bittersweet.


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