Our internet connection upstairs is now officially worse than dial up. At least with dial up you can maintain a secure connection. So I apologize for the lack of postings lately. As for our house we're just moving right along. My girl is growing into herself more and more lately. The other day I asked her to come over to get changed. She was watching Sesame Street and apparently it was quite absorbing. She half turned to me and patted my arm and said, "No, no Mama, I watch" and went right back to her show. I sat stunned for a few seconds as I processed her reply. Then I asserted that she had to obey me, even though her preference is for Sesame Street.

We've taken some more steps with the kitty issues. So we're heading towards sending out letters to the neighbors to let them know of our intentions. That way they have no excuses when we are forced to take action to alleviate their lack of actions. Plus, perhaps if they keep their cats in their yard they too can experience the lovely task of cleaning it up on a weekly basis.

Yesterday was a lovely weather day. I now appreciate our covered area off the back door since my girl is old enough to play outside, but I still don't want her in the direct sun. So she just runs around picking things up and moving them from here to there. It's awfully cute to watch her and I can get in a few minutes of rest as I sit in a chair with headphones playing NPR. So it's a win win situation for mommy and girl.

My five year anniversary comes us this week. I am still amazed that five years have passed and we're no worse for the wear. When I got married five years seemed like a long time, but now it doesn't seem so long. We seem to be in a good place and we're just growing our little family. That seems to take up the majority of our energy and time and that's just fine with me. It won't always be that way but that's where we are today.

Well, that's all I have for now. I've been thinking about the Supreme Court decision this past week. I am sickened about the response of many women. I think I'll blog about that soon.


AMY said…
Hey Jules. How exactly does one keep an outdoor cat in his or her yard? I'm totally serious about this question, because cats are so independent. Are you thinking that you want people to the right thing and have some kind of litter box for their pet? I was just curious, and had a little time on my hands during my layover to get caught up on my peeps.
Amy K. said…
Happy Anniversary, A & J! This August is our 30/40/5 year! I turn 30, Mike turns 40, and we have our 5th anniversary. It's going to be quite a month!

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