And now we know for sure

It's a BOY!

We are having a boy this summer and we are just happy as could be. I was looking at the ultrasound monitor and I asked, "Are those the kidneys?" and my husband said slowly, "Noooooooo, those aren't kidneys." and the technician told us it is a boy. About 5 minutes later I thought out loud, "I have no idea what to do with a boy." to which my husband replied, "Oh, I do."

He is supremely confident he's got this boy thing down pat. I'm not so sure about myself. This is going to get interesting pretty quick...


Amy K. said…
I remember being so surprised when we found out we were having a girl the second time. I was just so sure we'd have another boy...and I didn't know what to do with a girl. But, boy or girl, I think it's more the temperment that you'll be getting used to. So many parents say kids were SO, so different!
AMY said…
Again congrats about your bouncing baby boy. I know that he will be beautiful. Can't wait to share my trip with you.

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