
I think I just had my first conversation with my girl while I was on the couch with my prized daily cup of coffee. It went like this:

Her: Mom. Cup.Cupa?

Me: Yeah, it's a cup. That's right.

Her:Cupa? Whadis(unintelligble middle part) cupa?

Me: What is it? It's coffee. It's a drink for Mommies who have little kids.

Her: No? (roughly translated, Can I have some?)

Me: Yeah, here, take a drink.

Me: (Inner dialogue) I shouldn't give a sick kid coffee. I bet she won't like it. It will be too tart for her taste. Maybe I'm a bad mom. Oh well, who cares?

Her: Mom. (She leans in for another drink. We repeat this three more times until I drain the cup in an effort to stop her caffiene consumption)

Me: It's good, huh? Good drinking baby.


Amy K. said…
Start buying decaf and get ready to share, huh?!
AMY said…
The question is what do you put into your coffee that makes it taste so good? I think coffee is better than the beer my uncle would let me sip when I was a 4 and 5 year old.

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