Sorry for the Lack of Posts

It's been a crazy week-again. Happy B-day to AW, you don't look your age sister. And I can't believe J is going to be a teen so quickly. How the time flies...

My girl is all healed up and we are going for normal around our house. I am taking the anti-nausea medication and that is helping a lot. I just don't remember it being this bad last time. Maybe it wasn't -who knows. I've tackled our piles of paperwork in the last week while catching up on little things like shredding documents and throwing away extraneous junk mail and papers. I want to get the downstairs office completed, but I was afraid to move paperwork down there for fear we would just pile it up and forget about it. Then some time later I would find some bill that was missed and I'd be mad at myself. So I decided to get the paperwork done first and then move everything else down and organize from that point. At least I have a shot at keeping things in a semblance of order and timeliness.

I had a funny thought yesterday...not so much funny but a funny feeling I suppose. I was flipping channels for a few seconds and I came upon some daytime court show. One where the plaintiff and defendant are put in front of the sassy TV judge for a verdict and some "stern talkin' to". Well I heard the name "Jesus" so I stopped. The defendant said his name was Jesus. The judge read his name and said, "Jesus? Not Haysoos?". The defendant replied, " I don't cut lawns, my name is Jesus". The judge was surprised and said, "Well, THAT'S a racial slur."

What made me feel weird is that I didn't see it that way. The more I thought about it the more I thought the judge was right. It's a slur against people with a Spanish or Mexican name. It intimates that Mexicans named Jesus all have lawn care jobs that are on the lowest rung of our society. It is quite the slur. It made me think about what I think is racist and what is racist to the person or people group the racism is leveled against. It also brought up another thought about slurs.

I heard recently that Isaiah Washington of Grey's Anatomy used the phrase "faggot" when referring to T.R. Knight also of Grey's Anatomy. It was published in all the trade magazines and entire gay organizations cried out for an apology. That doesn't make sense to me. The simple reason is that Isaiah said the slur about T.R. and the only person he should apologize to is T.R. and the people he made the remark in front of. It seems awfully far fetched to think that Isaiah's comments offended an entire organization. They might not like Isaiah, or think he is insensitive, but to be offended FOR T.R.? Um, folks, that's taking it too far. Don't hijack a small incident and destroy a man's career so you can hoist another victory up the flagpole in the name of reforming America for gay rights. Frankly, it makes the organization look small, petty and drama-laden.


Amy K. said…
Thank you for saying what needs to be said! Well put.
AMY said…
Glad to hear that the girl is doing better. Thank goodness for the anit-nausea meds. Do they have any side effects? Is it fenegren? I'm all for being tacktful, kind, and considerate in how we talk, but I'm not for political correctness. It sets traps for people.

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