
My girl woke up this am with little pink blotches all over her face. When I changed her I found them all over and she was itching like crazy. We went to the Doctor and found she is allergic to the medicine she was on for her last illness. So that prompted another trip to the store to get another prescription to alleviate the symptoms she has today. By the time I got home with her new medicine she looked a pink spotted leopard. Now her little face is swollen up and even her eyes are kind of puffy from the histamines in her body. Poor thing. And I thought I felt bad today from this wretched head cold. I even bought another humidifier to use in our room since last night I kept waking up with my tongue stuck to the top of my mouth from the dry air. I am so stuffed up that I kept breathing through my mouth. So I would get up and drink water and repeat the process over and over again about every two hours. I got the humidifier home and I found it is broken. So I'll take it back tonight when DH gets home.

It snowed here something fierce this last few days. On Tuesday we got about 4 inches and everything shut down. School was cancelled today and most districts are on a late start tomorrow as well. That is a good thing since I am struggling with this head cold and a late start with the little guy I watch will be a good thing. You know, I forgot about the way illness hits you when you are pregnant. It's like it REALLY gets you. Where you might have fought it off at another point, when you are pregnant you are a walking target for illness. Ungh.

Thankfully DH will miss dinner so I don't feel compelled to actually make one. I'll just pull together something for the girl. I really can't stand any food except apple juice. Although I do have moments of hunger that last about 20 seconds and then after I eat I feel sick again. I didn't take the morning sickness medicine today because I wanted to take Benedryl. I think it was worth it. Breathing is more desirable than an upset stomach, don't you think?


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