Giving up the Ghost

So my great plan to refinish the cheap crib I bought last fall has come to a halt. With the weather as it is here I cannot finish the spray painting to get it completed. I got the whole crib sanded and primed, but I have to stop until the spring when the weather is warmer and I have some hope of the paint drying. I still can finish it, but then I think I will post it on Craig's List to sell to some other mom who needs a crib.
I saw an old high school acquaintance who has both a tandem stroller to give away, and a relatively new crib and mattress for fairly cheap to sell. Since I don't even have a second mattress for the in-progress crib, I need one as well. So, her price seems very fair given the quality of the crib, mattress and that's she giving me the tandem stroller. So, I'll be out a little money for a month or two, but since I am sitting the little guy during the week, I think the crib can pay for itself. Besides, I like to think of it as my babysitting paying for the new baby to arrive this summer.
OK, can you tell that I am practically climbing the walls here folks? I am SO BORED. I seriously should pack up and drive up to my Dad's house for a night to see him. Now that's a good idea...I should pack the car and go up there. Assuming that the roads are passable and I can handle it in my little Saturn. I do have chains, and I can figure them out if need be.
Hrmmmm, I am going to call my husband and see if I should go...
Update a few hours later: Checked the roads, too icy and packed snow to go by myself. Instead, I posted our garage freezer on Craig's List and I am going to start moving office stuff downstairs to the "new office" room. Then I'll paint this one and put the crib in it....and maybe I'll get that all done by Sunday.