Details I Forgot About Pregnancy

Things I Forgot About:
1. I drop just about everything.
2. I can't wear clogs b/c they are too high off the ground.
3. Nothing tastes good the second time (no leftovers).
4. I sleep 9-10 hours a night.
5. I wake up really thirsty in the middle of the night-every night.
6. I have the weirdest dreams-like the other night when I dreamed I delivered early and my husband was all chummy with the OB. So much so that the OB was going to get him a sandwich at the shop across the street, but nothing for me even though I'd just given birth to our tadpole (literally, it was a small human tadpole).

How weird is THAT?

Last night I apparently had a conversation with my husband that went something like this: (keep in mind I was asleep)
Me: It's not on.
Him: What?
Me: It's not on.
Him: What's not on?
Me: But it's not ON.
Him: What's not on?
Me: The...the...shirt isn't on.
Him: What shirt?
Me: (slightly waking up and rolling over)
Him: Honey, what shirt?
Me: (Irritated) I don't know what shirt.

Oh the joys of hormones in a marriage. Next post I'll tell you about the Tamale Incident last time I was pregnant.


AMY said…
I remember having a dream while I was pregnant with Em that when she was born that she came out the size of a 2 year old, had blonde curly hair, and a full set of teeth. Ahh, hormones!
Amy K. said…
Yep, weird dreams and clumsiness...I do remember those things. At least they go away after you have the baby...OTHER things, as you know, will never be back to normal!

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