Imagine that...Target got my Memo re: customer service

Today I had to get out of the house. My child has had the stomach flu, a cold, and teething for the last 7 days straight. I had to get out of the house, so I went to Target to use my $2 off coupon for baby food.
As I was checking out with my baby food, men's clearance socks, toaster, tongs and Lean Cuisenes I noticed that the socks did not ring up correctly. So I pointed it out to the checker and since I the transaction was compete he sent me to Customer Service to rectify the mistake. The Red Bullseye and I have a long history of poor customer service events (even when I HAD the receipt). So I went over to the counter and lo and behold...there was an adult! And she was pleasant and proficient! "What magic IS this?" I wondered. She cancelled the original transaction and recharged the correct amount minus another dollar for my inconvenience.
Wow! Target got my memo about their customer service. What a nice change.