We can't move.

Why is housing such an emotional issue? You'd think I was manic by the way I am reacting to all of this. It's the green-eyed monster clawing her way out. How embarrassing that I am jealous of other people's new homes. Ungh. I can hardly stand myself.
So, on to other news...school starts this week for those with kids in school. Around this house we will start to prep the house for the winter by pruning, weeding, adding bark and gravel and generally try to get the list done before it rains. I started a list of everything I want to do to this house-costly or just elbow grease and it came to two pages single spaced. My general plan is to bust a move on the house list and get as far as I can before I get pregnant again. I anticipate that I will have morning sickness again and then I won't feel like doing anything at all. So I am trying to get things done now so we will be able to coast for a while after the baby is born.
That's the news that is fit to print. Goodnight.