Places I Fear
There are two places on earth I never want to visit. The first is Africa and the second is the crawl spaces in my house. I don't know why Africa scares me, but I think I know about the crawl spaces.
I can't stand to be in a crawl space. I hate the very idea of being in it for any reason other then certain death. Meaning, I only would enter a crawl space if It was my only hope of saving my child or myself. I am pretty sure my DH could take on anyone if only he could wake up properly beforehand. What I fear are the little animals, those little beady eyes that would flash in the light of my Maglite I swept across the space. I can't stand the thought that as I open the ceiling hatch something could see me before I could see it. I really detest mice, and rats and essentially all marsupials. They don't pay my mortgage so therefore they just shouldn't live in my house.
Well, today the time came that I had to face my fears. The mice problem is still looming over our household. We bought mice bait and various little traps almost two weeks ago but my DH has not put them out. I think he is really busy with work and since he's not here all day the mice issue just doesn't impact him like it does me. So I realized that if I want to be sure to get rid of the mice, I must conquer my fears and set out the bait in the crawlspaces all by myself.
I donned rubber gloves, grabbed my self-defense Maglite (sits next to my bed) and the mouse bait. Here is the picture:
Then I got on the chair and faced the upstairs hatch to the attic/crawlspace (the photo didn't turn out).
I popped open the hatch and realized: They can see me before I see them. I shuddered and froze. I peeked my Maglite up through the small opening and tried to get a look around. I realized I would have to open the hatch all the way and then get my head above the ceiling to place the mouse trap and bait. They would see me before I saw them. NO WAY. So I closed up the hatch and set the mouse bait on a box in the closet for the DH. I am SO not going to do that.
Well, since I had gone all this way I thought I should try one more time down in the garage crawl space. I pulled the golf clubs out of the way and faced the world's scariest door:
I looked to my left and I saw the gaping hole near the A/C System. That must be a problem. It goes right under the house and it was the old hole from the previous AC duct that opened to the laundry room. We sealed off the other end and moved the air vents to other places in the house. So I just tossed two bait pellet packs in the hole. One was a bait pellet pack I found on the floor. I think it is from the Rodent-be-gone company we hired about a year ago. Now I know why he was so fast in placing the poison. He just opened the door and hucked em' in there. And we paid HOW MUCH to that company? Anyway...
Then I cracked open the scary door and pushed the camera in and clicked. Somehow I wanted to document this event, or perhaps I thought a scary marsupial won't attack a journalist. I don't know but it made me feel better just having the camera around my neck. I pushed the spider web aside that was full of little tiny spider corpses and I shuddered. Not even spiders can make it down here. Then it was time to push the door open and shine the flashlight in and look at what scares me to no end:
Yeah, that's it. There wasn't anything scary down there at all. In fact, there was hardly anything under the house except black plastic tarp, concrete pillars and some PVC pipe from the last owner. I tossed in two bait packs and closed the door. I sighed. I am relieved to know what it looks like under there and to know no little scary animals live there.
Now I want a shower and a stiff drink. But it's only 12:34pm and DH said it's not ok to drink by yourself for any reason. So I'll just publish this post and go shower.
I can't stand to be in a crawl space. I hate the very idea of being in it for any reason other then certain death. Meaning, I only would enter a crawl space if It was my only hope of saving my child or myself. I am pretty sure my DH could take on anyone if only he could wake up properly beforehand. What I fear are the little animals, those little beady eyes that would flash in the light of my Maglite I swept across the space. I can't stand the thought that as I open the ceiling hatch something could see me before I could see it. I really detest mice, and rats and essentially all marsupials. They don't pay my mortgage so therefore they just shouldn't live in my house.
Well, today the time came that I had to face my fears. The mice problem is still looming over our household. We bought mice bait and various little traps almost two weeks ago but my DH has not put them out. I think he is really busy with work and since he's not here all day the mice issue just doesn't impact him like it does me. So I realized that if I want to be sure to get rid of the mice, I must conquer my fears and set out the bait in the crawlspaces all by myself.
I donned rubber gloves, grabbed my self-defense Maglite (sits next to my bed) and the mouse bait. Here is the picture:

Then I got on the chair and faced the upstairs hatch to the attic/crawlspace (the photo didn't turn out).
I popped open the hatch and realized: They can see me before I see them. I shuddered and froze. I peeked my Maglite up through the small opening and tried to get a look around. I realized I would have to open the hatch all the way and then get my head above the ceiling to place the mouse trap and bait. They would see me before I saw them. NO WAY. So I closed up the hatch and set the mouse bait on a box in the closet for the DH. I am SO not going to do that.
Well, since I had gone all this way I thought I should try one more time down in the garage crawl space. I pulled the golf clubs out of the way and faced the world's scariest door:

I looked to my left and I saw the gaping hole near the A/C System. That must be a problem. It goes right under the house and it was the old hole from the previous AC duct that opened to the laundry room. We sealed off the other end and moved the air vents to other places in the house. So I just tossed two bait pellet packs in the hole. One was a bait pellet pack I found on the floor. I think it is from the Rodent-be-gone company we hired about a year ago. Now I know why he was so fast in placing the poison. He just opened the door and hucked em' in there. And we paid HOW MUCH to that company? Anyway...
Then I cracked open the scary door and pushed the camera in and clicked. Somehow I wanted to document this event, or perhaps I thought a scary marsupial won't attack a journalist. I don't know but it made me feel better just having the camera around my neck. I pushed the spider web aside that was full of little tiny spider corpses and I shuddered. Not even spiders can make it down here. Then it was time to push the door open and shine the flashlight in and look at what scares me to no end:
Yeah, that's it. There wasn't anything scary down there at all. In fact, there was hardly anything under the house except black plastic tarp, concrete pillars and some PVC pipe from the last owner. I tossed in two bait packs and closed the door. I sighed. I am relieved to know what it looks like under there and to know no little scary animals live there.
Now I want a shower and a stiff drink. But it's only 12:34pm and DH said it's not ok to drink by yourself for any reason. So I'll just publish this post and go shower.