Tuesday..it's Tuesday again

And we're back at Tuesday...and my life is about to speed up. Starting in November I am going to start watching a former colleague's little baby. He will be 5 months by then and I am very excited about it! So, the vacation is over and now Sarah and I will be forced to be much more disciplined about things. We won't be able to be willy-nilly with our time. I think that's good though. I've had enough of a break.
Thankfully, I will only have the new baby for about 6 1/2 hours a day. That still leaves a few hours in the afternoon to get dinner ready, run errands, make play dates and basically get life's necessities completed.

Plus, that's about the same time we can plan on starting for the next little addition to our family!

The thought of another pregnancy makes me eat a lot of leafy greens and complete the ab workout DVD each day...but it's good to have a goal!


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