SpoVegas Trip...aka Spokane

We're back...Finally. Long trip with small baby. Although it seems like when we left she was a baby and now she is a monkey. She is crawling, climbing, moving, wiggling, squirming and desperately trying to cruise around the house holding onto to furniture or my pants, whichever is closer. We went to Spokane for a wedding where Alan was the best man. We went a week earlier to help the bride and groom and see the sights of Spokane in the process. It truly is a beautiful town and still undiscovered by Bay-area nouveau rich who jack up the price of housing with cash offers and full-gutted-remodels. So we were easily swayed by the low cost of housing. In fact, so low that in a few cases we could actually buy the house outright if we moved there. Plus we would have better shopping, snow, and a milder climate. All pluses in my book. The downside is moving away from family and leaving DH's job- he loves his workplace. But owning a house with the ability to sock money into retirements and education accounts is a BIG INCENTIVE. Big. Did I mention they have snow? I love snow..I love the cold. *Sigh* Stupid housing prices here...

Ok, here are the photos. The wedding was decidedly Scottish, and yes my DH is in a Kilt. I didn't put in any photos of the wedding party as I don't have their permission.


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