In Memory (warning: Heartbreaking blog)

We are just arrived back from Spokane. We attended my DH's best friend's wedding and DH was the best man. More on that later. When I got home I read the local paper online to catch up with the news. That's when I read a sickening article. Two bodies were found on Friday near Fish Lake that was described as a murder-suicide. An 11 year old boy and his dad were found in their car at the trail head...cause of death appeared to be carbon monoxide poisoning. That is a huge surprise since his dad has been coaching sports and involved in the community for a long time. They were all Christians and his dad seemed to have a realistic idea about his son's abilities. So it is unlikely that he would commit murder and then suicide. It just doesn't fit. I cannot imagine the pain his mother is going through at this time. Though she was divorced from her husband...that was still her husband for many years, and the boy was her only son...her only child.
I know that boy, and I know his father. The son is Zach Brown whom I worked with at a little school outside of Medford. I worked in his classroom and I was assigned to work with him for a few hours each day. I was with him a lot for that year. I was at breakfast with him, lunch, small groups, and often we played at recess. He was a unique kid with a ready smile and the happiest disposition I've ever known. Although he was not at the same academic leel at his peers, he was just pretty happy to be alive. Sometimes I worried about his life, I wondered what kind of job would be suited to him. I didn't think he would be able to live on his own, but I did think he could hold a job that had a few repetitive tasks. He was such a relational guy...if things had been a little different for him he could have been a pastor. So I prayed for him while we walked through the halls of the school. I prayed for his future and I thanked God that he was right with Him.
My favorite memory of Zach was at Christmas. His regular classroom teacher was doing a unit on Christmas around the world were the class examined how Christmas was celebrated in other places. We were all seated at the carpet and Lara Liden asked what Christmas means to her students. Kids were coming up with all the usual ideas like "Christmas means presents" or "Christmas Lights" or "Candy canes". Well after a few answers Zach got fed up. He stood up and threw his hands out in exasperation and as he stomped his feet he excitedly exclaimed, "CHRISTMAS IS ABOUT JESUS!". He knew what was right, and he was unashamed to say it aloud to his peers. That jolted me into reality and I've never focused on the trappings of Christmas since.
To this day whenever anyone mentions Christmas I think in my mind, "Christmas is about Jesus".