Blog update at 8:21 am

So about 4:20 am I went in to check on my girl. She was standing up at the corner of the playpen crying like she was exhausted. I realized that she was stuck standing up. I just read about it in Dr. Spock before I went to bed. Poor little thing. I held her for about 10 minutes and her sheer exhaustion took her to dreamland. She had another wake up at 5 am (about 10 min after I finally got to sleep again) but she went right back to sleep.

At 8am she is still sleeping so I took the opportunity to shower and get coffee. This so has to end soon.

How on earth did all of you deal with this sort of thing?


AMY said…
God's Grace.
Amy K. said…
I must have been so tired I don't remember how I dealt with it!

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