Property ladder
I didn't want to pay an arborist to trim the Pin Oak out in front of our house. Though it was chock full of mistletoe that would lead to the death of the tree, I still didn't want to have to pay for the work. $400 is a lot of money in these parts. I knew we couldn't wait any longer to have the work done when the street sweeper got our branches caught in the machinery on the top of his truck. He was stuck in front of our house for about 10 minutes while he reached out of his truck and had to clip the branches off to free his vehicle.
So we hired a professional arborist with a landscape company. Since the tree is easily three to four stories high I knew we needed someone with the insurance, license and experience to crawl up that tree and cut out the mistletoe and errant branches. What I didn't know is how my interpretation of a "park-like" tree and his interpretation differed.
Here are the before and after pictures!

Looking up the base from the ground:

So we hired a professional arborist with a landscape company. Since the tree is easily three to four stories high I knew we needed someone with the insurance, license and experience to crawl up that tree and cut out the mistletoe and errant branches. What I didn't know is how my interpretation of a "park-like" tree and his interpretation differed.
Here are the before and after pictures!

Looking up the base from the ground:
