Jesus and Starbucks

I read this from the "Out of Ur" blog.
It's a fabulous section. It points out how Christianity has become something we consume...and consumption forms our identity.
When we approach Christianity as consumers rather than seeing it as a comprehensive way of life, an interpretive set of beliefs and values, Christianity becomes just one more brand we consume along with Gap, Apple, and Starbucks to express identity. And the demotion of Jesus Christ from Lord to label means to live as a Christian no longer carries an expectation of obedience and good works, but rather the perpetual consumption of Christian merchandise and experiences—music, books, t-shirts, conferences, and jewelry.
So this makes me think about why I go to church. It makes me think about why the person next to me goes to church. Is it because it fosters a relationship with God? Or is it because it essentially makes me look good? I shouldn't be a consumer of church, I AM the church. What I buy shouldn't define me...who I am should define what I buy.