I can imagine that that last post comes across as...well....less then neighborly. It seems like all I have is problem neighbors and that I must be really unhappy or super sensitive about things.

I have been thinking about that and I don't think I am. I put up with the cat poop problem for almost 6 months when the amount was small and easy to take care of. It was when it escalated and the neighbors were unable (or unwilling?) to do anything about it that I became angry about it. So now we have two options: Clean up the cat poop every week, dig out the surrounding soil and then re-landscape each area, or we can get the cats to poop elsewhere (off our property).

What do you think you would choose? And I don't ask that in a provocative way, I really want to know!

As for the noisy neighbors, I also have flexed quite a bit for them. At times I can hear they have people in their back yard and so I try to nap Sarah in another room, or we go for a drive to let her sleep. That way the neighbors can have their party, because everyone should be able to have a party outside from time to time. It was when the music interfered with our ability to sleep, talk on the phone or go outside that I took further action. I have tried to make friendly with them on numerous occasions. I did go over and explain our position about the noise. We only called the police to ask our friend (an officer) what our options are as neighbors. It was the police that advised us to call them...and not go over and confront the neighbors again (based on their frightening reactions to other neighbors about other issues too numerous to recount here).

Other then these two neighborly issues, we have great neighbors and we live in a wonderful area. We are on good terms with everyone and I hope it stays that way for a long while.


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